The Video begins with a guided meditation. Rev Brigid’s message starts at 8:42.
The Audio version contains only her message.
PDF file is our “Homework” for the week, also included on this page below.
Core Values: “It’s All About Love”
- We are a Spirit-centered community
- We warmly welcome all
- We embrace diversity
- We walk our talk with integrity
- We are compassionate
- We are joyful
- We practice Sacred Service
- We claim Spiritual abundance
From Rev Brigid:

It’s all about love. Since starting here as senior minister, I’ve said many words about love! Love is more than a soft, warm feeling– although it is that at times. Love is muscular and resilient. Love as a verb calls us into being– and into doing.
Our Core Values say a great deal about our aspirations as a community. So what does that mean to us in our daily lives? If we say our starting point is LOVE, what does that look like? What does it sound like? What does the notion that it’s all about love impart on the rest of our core values?
Sunday’s Daily Word for May 15, Freedom, invites us to take stock and do some spiritual housekeeping as the key to lasting freedom. As individual cells in the heart of our Unity of Albany body– let’s each take stock.
Here is our Spiritual Homework assignment:
Read over the Core Values
▫Take them into your prayer and meditation practice
▫Journal with them
▫Walk with them
▫Sit with them
▫Talk them over with your Beloveds
Ask yourself:
▫How do these Core Values resonate and show up in your life?
▫Do you recognize with self-compassion a growing edge?
▫How do these Core Values call you to more fully embody the words “It’s all about love”?
▫What do you need from your minister, and from your community to more fully embrace and embody all you are called to be?
▫How are we doing communally living into our Core Values? Do our Core values state all we want to affirm about who we are?
Email [email protected] with your insights, or post your comments on the website.
▫Focus on as many (or as few!) statements at a time as Spirit leads you.
MAY 22 and MAY 29 messages will reflect on our shared remarks and insights.
From One Spirit, here is a quote from Ellen Grace O’Brian:
Our ability to dream of possibilities– to vision and bring forth what we are here to do for the greater good– should not be underestimated. It is how we cooperate with the infinite.
We are a community on a path of cooperation with the infinite.
May the Love awakening inside of me and awakening inside of you, and inside all of us, together, transform our world.
May it be so. And so it is… Amen