Brigid offers a powerful reflection on her recent visit to the US-Mexico border.
Brigid offers a powerful reflection on her recent visit to the US-Mexico border.
As Advent yields to Christmas we open ourselves to the Christ presence and choose joy.
As we awaken to the Divine Presence within us, we become bringers of peace in the world.
We are called to be people of hope and faith in these challenging times.
Rev Brigid helps us count our blessings and groove into gratitude as we approach Thanksgiving.
A post-election message on the need to be a caring, supportive community whatever the outward circumstances.
Rev Brigid shares election season thoughts on what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.
Through life’s challenging moments we can encounter the Holy and find connection and oneness with one another.
We all hold the divine image of God within us. How do we let it shine?