a positive path for spiritual living

Worship Services at Unity Church

Services are both in-person and live streamed on YouTube. They may viewed live or any time afterward on our YouTube Channel.
We continue to offer ONE MORNING SERVICE at 10:00 am.
Our Sunday evening OneSong service is held every 1st and 3rd Sunday evening at 7pm except for June/July/August when it is held on just the 1st Sunday. 


Simply go to our Live Stream page (also linked on our main page):


When the stream begins, just press the play button.
You can also go directly to our YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/@unityalbany  (be sure to subscribe!)
After services have aired live, they will be archived on the YouTube Channel page
Note that there is a Donation Link on the Live Stream page, as well as on all pages at unityalbany.org. Your continued support is greatly appreciated and vital to this ministry. Many thanks!

Our worship services combine many different elements to feed one’s soul and to unite us in Common-Unity.

Our services are live-streamed on our YouTube Channel. Hit the subscribe button there to be alerted when services go live. Our streams are then archived on the channel for later viewing.

Sunday Morning Services

These morning services, held at 10:00 am, offer thought-provoking talks; beautiful, energetic music; peaceful, calming prayer; and a period of guided meditation. Inspiring messages are given by our Senior Minister or occasionally by a guest speaker.

“OneSong” Sunday Evening Music Service

On the 1st and 3rd Sundays (1st Sunday only in summer), we hold our “OneSong” Multi-Faith Music and Meditation service at 7:00 pm. An interspiritual service with a musical focus, these Sunday evening gatherings incorporate voices from various faith traditions, including: traditional and contemporary kirtan chants, non-denominational chants, spiritual and gospel songs, and original songs by our music team. Prayer, reflection, sacred texts and meditation are interwoven with song, evoking states of peace, joy and devotion. Frequent musical guests are also featured.

Each of the Sunday services typically lasts about 1 hour or just a bit longer.

Wednesday Meditation

We offer a weekly in-person meditation time with Rev Brigid at 6:30 pm which is also available on Zoom.
Check this page for more info and for the Zoom link: unityalbany.org/events/wednesday-meditation/

Special Services

During the course of the year we offer a few special services to enrich your life and spiritual journey.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 5:30 pm via YouTube Livestream

red candlesRekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas.  Join Reverend Brigid and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world.  We have scheduled our service at 5:30 PM so that you can participate and still have the evening free for family and friends.  Join us as we listen to the Christmas story, share prayers, songs, and light our Christmas candles together.  What a wonderful gift to give the Christ child in you!

The Burning Bowl Service – New Year’s Eve, 5:30 pm via YouTube Livestream/Zoom

burning-bowlClear out the closets of your mind and make room for the life your soul desires.  Open your imagination and heart to the blessings God is offering you.  This is our traditional ritual of releasing to the burning bowl those things that no longer serve us and writing our letter to God claiming our vision of good for the coming year.
We will sing, pray and step forward into a New Year filled with wonderful possibilities for all.

White Stone Ceremony – First Sunday of January, morning services via YouTube/Zoom

white-stoneThis day we set our intentions (similar to resolutions) for the new year.  Rather than focusing on what we will do, we focus on who we are called to be in order to birth the emerging vision of our highest essence.  During the service, we connect with our divine essence—whatever we call God, as we are invited to ask for guidance on what our word or words will be for the upcoming year.  These words will represent our highest intention and may be in the form of a new name that will represent this emerging spiritual identity that will guide us through the new year as our high intentions unfold.  That name is then written upon the white stone that we keep throughout the year as a reminder of our intention.

Maundy Thursday Foot Washing and Communion-in-Prayer

footwashingJoin us for a simple service with a big impact.
The service focuses on the metaphysical/symbolic meaning of Maundy Thursday.
Everyone is welcome to participate in foot washing, or hand washing if you prefer. Communion-in-Prayer is done inwardly with spirit and prayer rather than wine and bread.  Guests are always welcome.
Usually held at 6:00 pm on the Thursday before Easter.

Passover Seder

sederThough we don’t typically offer it on an annual basis, when we do, our Seder is a covered dish event with each person bringing a specific part of the Passover meal.  Please sign up in advance at the church to reserve your place and coordinate what part of the meal you will provide.  This is a non-alcoholic and vegetarian Seder.


  1. I thought we should be able to view the church service from home via live streaming but I can not. What do I need to do in order to view the church service? I am presently in the unityalbany.org web site , I thought I’d be able to view todays service live but that is not the case.

    • Sheryl,

      You need to go to our YouTube channel to view the live stream.
      The link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxof7AFtJ6Hs6yVh6mg7CAA
      But you can just go to YouTube.com and search Unity Church in Albany to get to it.
      Once there, subscribe to the channel and you will receive notifications on your computer or devices when services go live.
      Thanks for commenting! Because of your message, I have made changes to our webpage to make the information clearer. On the main page of unityalbany.org, scroll to the bottom left.
      Roger Mock

  2. I was on your YouTube channel this morning and could barely hear the speakers, no matter how high I turned up my volume. I tried on tv and iPhone. Very poor sound on both . Music sounded perfectly clear and easy to hear.

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