In the first of a series on the Three Faces of God, Rev Brigid explores the infinite face of God beyond us and the practice of awe.
In the first of a series on the Three Faces of God, Rev Brigid explores the infinite face of God beyond us and the practice of awe.
Like the wave in the ocean or the twig on the tree, we are all extensions of the Divine: we are made of God.
Rev Brigid reflects on Unity’s first principle: God is absolute Good, everywhere present.
Radical trust walks bravely into darkness and finds the LIGHT in the middle of it.
Rev Brigid’s reflection on (and reaction to) agreement #2 from Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: “Don’t Take Anything Personally”
We come together to remember, to resurrect in each other the hope, the light, the truth of who we are called to be.
Whatever our life circumstances, we can find safe harbor in our own inner temple and within sacred community.
A reflection on James Dillett Freeman’s Prayer for Protection
God’s grace, unsought and unearned, blows through your life, and all you need to do is raise your sails to catch the full wind.
A message on the Divine Masculine for a day that celebrates both fathers and the Juneteenth holiday.