How would you live if you were exactly what is needed to heal the world?
How would you live if you were exactly what is needed to heal the world?
Rev Brigid’s reflection on (and reaction to) agreement #2 from Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: “Don’t Take Anything Personally”
How do we nurture the child within ourselves and in one another?
When life “pushes our buttons”, like it or not, we have an expanded opportunity for personal growth and healing.
Through spiritual practice we can move – individually and collectively – from the “little room” of limitation, lack and exclusion to the “big room” of God Consciousness.
When we confront the core perceptions at the heart of our stories, they can offer us opportunities to heal and grow.
What is joy? Where do we find it? What keeps us from it?
Discover the power of your mind to claim your wholeness and heal your life.
Letting go of negative emotions like guilt and fear, along with old “stories” we cling to, allows us to open our lives to healing and abundant living.
Conscious spiritual living allows Spirit’s wonderful healing energy to flow in and through our mind, heart and body!