Centered in our Divine Essence, we can effect the transformation of our world.
Centered in our Divine Essence, we can effect the transformation of our world.
With inspiration from her recent travels, Rev Brigid reflects on the meaning of pilgrimage and the call to return home.
The real journey is the inner journey.
When life presents us with what feels like a rock and hard place, how do we meet that–and find a LOVE place?
On Palm Sunday we can make a pilgrimage to the inner Jerusalem of transformation, remembering that this is not a story from history. It is about current events.
When life beckons, we can resist at every turn, or we can recognize that things are changing, and our invitation is to open ourselves and claim our path.
With the wise men, we journey to meet the God within, who receives our gifts with unending love.
Exploring the gift of coming home: home to our deepest selves, home to God-within, home wherever we are in the world, home to the only moment there is: now, the present moment.
How are we inviting the fullness of our human expression and the fullness of our Divine expression to be born in us?
Our guest speaker and musician, Megon McDonough, gives a delightful biographical sketch of her life, including her various brushes with fame, and her own journey to finding her heart’s desire and her grounding in spiritual truth. The talk is bookended by some of Megon’s wonderful music.