The practice of meditation invites us to find what Thomas Merton called “the point of nothingness – a point of pure truth which belongs entirely to God.”
The practice of meditation invites us to find what Thomas Merton called “the point of nothingness – a point of pure truth which belongs entirely to God.”
Through spiritual practice we can move – individually and collectively – from the “little room” of limitation, lack and exclusion to the “big room” of God Consciousness.
To welcome light into our life and to allow our light to shine, we must also embrace the shadow.
When life beckons, we can resist at every turn, or we can recognize that things are changing, and our invitation is to open ourselves and claim our path.
With the wise men, we journey to meet the God within, who receives our gifts with unending love.
The joy of Being, which is the only true happiness, does not come from outside of yourself, it emanates from within.
Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. (1 John 3:18)
Brigid’s message ends with a guided meditation. To switch from video to audio, click the blue “Show Audio Player” box below the player. To download audio, use the down arrow at the top right of the audio player.
Our Advent journey begins with the boldness of hope, fully accepting what is, and then welcoming in what can be, with the vision of faith.
The phone of your one, unrepeatable, beautiful life is ringing! How will you answer?