How might contemplating the Divine Other lead us to reflect on our relationships in general?
In the first of a series on the Three Faces of God, Rev Brigid explores the infinite face of God beyond us and the practice of awe.
A scholar of Eastern religious traditions and spirituality, Phil addresses the tension between religious practice and engagement with the world.
Who or what are we talking to, listening to, when we pray?
To follow Spirit’s guidance is to allow ourselves to be the presence of generosity, kindness and love in whatever ways we are led.
Rev Brigid gives a refreshingly new slant to the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes and the miracle of the loaves and fishes.
Being the presence of peace in the world by allowing ourselves to be clear channels of the Divine presence within.
We are called to be agents of transformation in a seemingly mad world.
On being an open channel for Spirit, for Love, for blessing.
Message in music from Thacher State Park