“God is an Allness in which you exist as an eachness.” -Eric Butterworth
In a true emergency, the mind stops; you become totally present in the Now, and something infinitely more powerful takes over. (Eckhart Tolle)
In a time of turmoil and uncertainty, we can choose to release fear and embrace peace, love and joy.
Rev. Steve’s first talk invites us to cross the threshold into a new phase for Unity Church in Albany with consciousness and love.
Rob’s message is about the power of asking God (Rob uses the name “LIA” – Love in Action) for all things and expressing gratitude, in advance, knowing that God wants what we want of something even better.
We can find peace and well being when we accept that we do not know what we cannot know, and anchor our consciousness into what we do know.
We travel on the “Love-way” through our hearts to know our Oneness.
The practice of tithing is a way to short circuit our fears and open to the flow of Good in our lives.
Heather unpacks our Mission Statement, finding it to be a worthy beacon for guiding us forward, both in our current transition period and at all times.
You are Divine! You are the flow of goodness. As you embrace this truth, your life will embody it.