personal/emotional/energetic hygiene
Bethany Gonyea, MS NUMINOUS Founder
Sponsor of the Global Peaceful Cities Project
Content of slides used during this talk:
Intercessory prayer in the treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence: a pilot investigation
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 1997 Nov;3(6):79-86.
Intercessory prayer in the treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence: a pilot investigation
* Those who reported at baseline that a family member or friend was already praying for them were found to be drinking significantly more at 6 months than were those who reported being unaware of anyone praying for them.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 1997 Nov;3(6):79-86.
The Five Kleshas “Sufferings”
- Raga(Attachment)
- Dvesa(Aversion/hatred)
- Asmita(Egoism)
- Abinivesah (Fear of death)
- Avidya (ignorance of Infinite Self)
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali are a collection of 196 Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga.
Ordinary/Stressed Mind
God feels distant
(retracted alpha, little delta)

Awakened Mind –
(alpha bridge, wider delta and theta)
External Intention Concepts
- Our job is to “begin the miracle” ACIM
- Open your Heart
- Use unconditional Love
- We are “adding energy” to situation (like Reiki)
- Be “light, light, light” with your intention
- Surrender intentions out of your nervous system and into the Infinite
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