a positive path for spiritual living

Communication/Reflection: What Is Prayer?

The Video begins with a guided “metta” meditation. Brigid’s message starts at 7:30.
The Audio version contains just her message.

A Blessing for Trust in Abundance
Christine Valters Paintner

Spirit of generous abundance,
remind us there is always more than enough,
enough food, enough love, enough time, enough resources.
Help us to see how our patterns of living
separate and disconnected amplifies our scarcity.
Bring us into the joy and challenge of community
where bread divided multiplies, where laughter shared overflows.
Empower us to share freely from our own abundance
with others in need.
Slow us down to see how time expands when we breathe and pay attention.
Bless us in our efforts to trust
in the goodness and love that pulses through the world sustaining it moment by moment.
Give us the courage to speak out
when resources are distributed unfairly,
so we may remind others there is more to share.
Encourage us to release that which we no longer
need to hold onto so tightly.
Inspire us to live in a way that witnesses
to our trust in the lavish fullness of life.


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