You are worthy to receive all the gifts life brings you and to simply have joy.
You are worthy to receive all the gifts life brings you and to simply have joy.
If you show up as love over and over again, that practice leads to transformation.
A reflection on joy blending message and meditation.
We come together to remember, to resurrect in each other the hope, the light, the truth of who we are called to be.
To welcome light into our life and to allow our light to shine, we must also embrace the shadow.
The joy of Being, which is the only true happiness, does not come from outside of yourself, it emanates from within.
We can lean into choosing gratitude in any situation, re-framing it to find grace and peace.
Rev Brigid shares the beauty and the bounty of her recent time with family in Ireland.
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” -Henri Nouwen
How do we maintain our hope and joy as we face the looming climate crisis?