By maintaining a higher perspective, I am able to sense the divine plan that God is unfolding for myself and others.
By maintaining a higher perspective, I am able to sense the divine plan that God is unfolding for myself and others.
Whatever our life circumstances, we can find safe harbor in our own inner temple and within sacred community.
Through spiritual practice we can move – individually and collectively – from the “little room” of limitation, lack and exclusion to the “big room” of God Consciousness.
As we live out our individual paths as expressions of the One Divine Source, we are continually invited to experience the Oneness we profess as we gather together.
A July 4 message on interconnectedness and caring community.
How do we maintain our hope and joy as we face the looming climate crisis?
Small communities formed around loving intention hold the key to the transformation of our world.
The path to spiritual openness – of eyes, heart and hands – requires us to acknowledge and work through our “blind spots”.
“God is an Allness in which you exist as an eachness.” -Eric Butterworth
You are a dynamic expression of God on the quest to know and reveal more of your true self.