God’s grace, unsought and unearned, blows through my life, and all I need to do is raise my sails to catch the full wind.
God’s grace, unsought and unearned, blows through my life, and all I need to do is raise my sails to catch the full wind.
The season of Lent can involve both a letting go and a letting in. In her message, Rev Brigid encourages a letting go of shame and guilt and a letting in of God’s Love for us.
In a true emergency, the mind stops; you become totally present in the Now, and something infinitely more powerful takes over. (Eckhart Tolle)
The act of surrendering and letting go is the only way to be in the present moment.
The path of releasing and surrendering to God is simple yet difficult, as we tend to cling to the trauma of the world, though it is ultimately illusory in nature.
A metaphysical interpretation of the story of Moses and the burning bush shows us the path through our own wilderness.
Surrendering to the experience that is arising right now is the ultimate key to finding bliss.
The very moment you embrace the God Source – the ever-present Divine “is-ness” – is when bliss begins.
It is difficult to remain in balance in a world of duality, of opposites and extremes. Buddhism offers us the wisdom of following the “Middle Way.” (Sunday, November 5, 2017)