With a backdrop of the story of the author of Amazing Grace, Rev John shares spiritual principles that have guided his own life.
With a backdrop of the story of the author of Amazing Grace, Rev John shares spiritual principles that have guided his own life.
The real journey is the inner journey.
Guest Rev. Jim Fuller shares insights from what has transpired in his own spiritual journey since leaving his ministry at Unity Church in Albany in 2015.
Guests Shannon Plummer and Bob Sima deliver a “Message in Music”. Shannon’s talk is woven around three of Bob’s songs and includes a guided meditation.
As a prelude to his afternoon workshop on the wisdom of aging and change, “Ramananda” offers an inspiring message on the aging of the body and the human spirit and consciousness that transcends the temporal.
The ego’s voice of fear can keep us in a wilderness of doubt, mistrust and dis-ease. Rob offers us a way out of that maze.
A metaphysical interpretation of the story of Moses and the burning bush shows us the path through our own wilderness.
In her first Sunday talk, Jane Bloom shares some of her own spiritual odyssey, through the lens of her growing understanding of the person of Jesus.