We are called as people of faith to live from our highest purpose, aligned with Spirit.
We are called as people of faith to live from our highest purpose, aligned with Spirit.
We all hold the divine image of God within us. How do we let it shine?
How might contemplating the Divine Other lead us to reflect on our relationships in general?
Who or what are we talking to, listening to, when we pray?
Being the presence of peace in the world by allowing ourselves to be clear channels of the Divine presence within.
Like the wave in the ocean or the twig on the tree, we are all extensions of the Divine: we are made of God.
Radical trust walks bravely into darkness and finds the LIGHT in the middle of it.
A reflection on James Dillett Freeman’s Prayer for Protection
A message on the Divine Masculine for a day that celebrates both fathers and the Juneteenth holiday.
Dennis shares insights gleaned from writings of Unity authors.