There is nothing we need to do to earn or deserve God’s grace, which comes to us freely and abundantly. All we need to do is accept it.
Strength, as one of Charles Fillmore’s twelve powers, represents the energy of God within us which frees us from weakness and guides us into greatness when we allow it to flow.
It is time to move forward in the strength of love, which has the power to transform our world, to create heaven here on earth.
When we begin to move beyond the illusory boundaries that divide us and see that we are all part of the larger Whole, we move all of humanity closer to a time of awakening.
The deeper nuances of Aramaic, the original language of the New Testament, reveal a more expansive teaching from Jesus on the subject of prayer.
What happens when you hear Divine guidance and run the other way? What happens when you surrender to it? An enlightening metaphysical interpretation of the Old Testament Book of Jonah.
Reflecting upon a lesser-known speech by Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Crystal talks about the need to be happily maladjusted to a world of inequality, violence and economic disparity; to rise above our complacency with the world as it is and bear witness to a greater reality.
This talk was inspired by a message delivered by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King at Oberlin College in June 1965, “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” It’s a call for all of us to remain awake and open to Divine inspiration during our own turbulent, revolutionary times.
Epiphany Sunday celebrates the end of the Christmas season and the manifestation of Christ in the world, tying together both the story of the Magi’s visit and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry at his baptism by John. That ministry continues as each of us allows God’s love to manifest in and through our own lives.
Rev. Crystal introduces and leads our annual White Stone Ceremony, a time to open ourselves to God’s guidance for the new year and to step into our greatness, our own Divinity.