Letting go requires us to first release of our old training to ‘get’ and ‘keep’.
In gratitude for all the fathers and father figures in our lives.
When we experience anxiety and fear, we can I embrace our inner strengths from God and transform fear into power.
We can release memories of the past knowing that God’s will of good is paramount to all other concerns.
It is time for us, individually and collectively, to move from a mentality of war to a mentality of peace.
A lighthearted yet profound discussion of the most common self-deceptions that keep people from living happy and creative lives.
A Mother’s Day message about the all-encompassing nature of God.
We can use our memories of past pain and hurt to move our soul forward into Christed consciousness.
The Biblical story of Jesus commissioning his followers to carry on his work is a call to us to fully accept our own Christ nature.
Like Jesus, we are called and enabled to rise up victoriously from all that would keep us in darkness.