We tend to be afraid of change, but engaging in that fear will hold us back from experiencing the joy and abundance God desires for us.
Guest Rev. Jim Fuller shares insights from what has transpired in his own spiritual journey since leaving his ministry at Unity Church in Albany in 2015.
The act of surrendering and letting go is the only way to be in the present moment.
Guest speaker Charley Thweatt talks about how to stay awake in each moment, to be present to the leading edge of our journey.
The path of releasing and surrendering to God is simple yet difficult, as we tend to cling to the trauma of the world, though it is ultimately illusory in nature.
With insights from current brain science findings, Debra shows us how to more effectively use our thoughts and affirmations to bring positive change to our lives.
I Am the manifestation of God in this present moment.
The essence of the spiritual path is to remember the truth of who we are, one with God and one with all.
When we commune with nature we are remembering and allowing in That which is constantly communing with us.
You are a dynamic expression of God on the quest to know and reveal more of your true self.