a positive path for spiritual living

Between a Rock and a Love Place

The video begins with a guided meditation with Brigid’s message starting at about 8:12.
The audio version contains just the message.

Our entire spiritual practice is to meet our edge, and soften.
~Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

From Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within, by Christine Valners Paintner (p. 64)

Chapter 4 is titled: “The Practice of Making the Way by Walking” and it begins with an epitaph, a quote from Antonio Machado: Wanderer, there is no way, the road is made by walking.

“…God does not call us to one particular path that we scrutinize and discover. God calls us to the fullness of living which can be manifested in a multitude of ways. We have to listen closely for what is truly life-giving and there lies the struggle. We resist trusting ourselves. We tell ourselves stories about why we should stay stuck.
Following the way made by walking means listening for what is life-giving but the inner pilgrimage also involves descending into the depths of our being. This means we must examine the places where wounds and shame dwell. We are called to retrieve those lost parts and welcome them back into the wholeness of our being. This is why many of us never get very far. The inner voices that criticize and cajole become too loud. We return to what is comfortable to what numbs us, and prevents us from claiming a life that is more congruent with our hearts desires.

The necessity of yielding
“We each have a particular way, and we are responsible for the choices we make which shape the direction of our lives unfolding. At the same time, we are also invited to yield our desire to control that unfolding. The spiritual journey calls us out into the wild places where God is not tamed and domesticated. We are asked to release our agendas and discover the holy direction for our lives.”


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