Gerri shares her personal reflections on the subject of love.
Gerri shares her personal reflections on the subject of love.
Rev Brigid shares election season thoughts on what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.
On the eve of a solar eclipse, Rev Brigid shares thoughts on how love can overcome (eclipse) the negative forces in the world.
On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, and always, we are called to be love for and with one another.
We honor our loved ones who have passed and take the time to face the reality of death consciously and lovingly.
When life presents us with what feels like a rock and hard place, how do we meet that–and find a LOVE place?
If you show up as love over and over again, that practice leads to transformation.
True freedom calls us to say “yes” to being love in all actions.
How do we nurture the child within ourselves and in one another?
By maintaining a higher perspective, I am able to sense the divine plan that God is unfolding for myself and others.