Our spiritual call is to be the light in the darkness.
Our spiritual call is to be the light in the darkness.
Though we cannot stop thinking, we can change our thought patterns to align with the Truth of our being.
When you’re ready to take on a deeper state of bliss in life and be free on all levels, then you are ready to practice Self-Inquiry.
Healing and wholeness are our birthright and healing is possible, yet there are subtle ways we may be holding it at bay.
Our human tendency is to allow our thoughts to lead US, but by becoming a Thought Leader in touch with Divine Mind, we can create a life of fullness and abundance.
The deeper nuances of the Aramaic language illuminate the beatitude teachings of Jesus. Part One.
When we examine the Aramaic language employed by Jesus, we can gain much insight on his teachings about good and evil.
Divine energy is present within each of us, but it is up to us to activate it. Debra offers a 3-part practice to accomplish this activation.
Kerri shares her personal story of her discovery of the life-transforming Divine power within and then leads us in a powerful experience of affirmative prayer.
The story of Jesus passion, death and resurrection offers a metaphysical teaching for our own transformation.