What is Love asking of you in this moment?
What is Love asking of you in this moment?
When we confront the core perceptions at the heart of our stories, they can offer us opportunities to heal and grow.
When we allow our spirituality to spill over into action, we bring a spirit of transformation to our communities and our world.
Can we learn to welcome the liminal spaces, the thresholds of transition between what has been and what will be?
As we enter more deeply into our transition time, Rev. Steve shares his thoughts and wisdom about the journey that is ours to share.
We can find peace and well being when we accept that we do not know what we cannot know, and anchor our consciousness into what we do know.
Heather unpacks our Mission Statement, finding it to be a worthy beacon for guiding us forward, both in our current transition period and at all times.
There are infinite possibilities available to us and anything and everything is possible. This is Rev. Crystal Muldrow’s farewell message.
Guest speaker Jana Stanfield shares a message on the grace of imperfection at the 11:00 am service.
Our guest speaker, Jana Stanfield, gives a beautiful talk on open-hearted imperfection at the 9:00 am service, incorporating music and a closing video.