We are called to be the light and to tip the balance toward love.
We are called to be the light and to tip the balance toward love.
You are the light of the world. Let it light shine for all to see. Mt. 5:14
Winter has much to offer our spirits if we take the time to enter into the stillness and beauty it provides.
Radical trust walks bravely into darkness and finds the LIGHT in the middle of it.
A reflective and meditative message calling us to open to a deeper understanding and experience of the indwelling Christ as we move into a new year.
The Soul’s Light is our true nature, but it is necessary to release fear, which inhibits its full expression.
Our spiritual call is to be the light in the darkness.
As we allow our inner light to shine we may come up against resistance from others, but perseverance will lead to spiritual growth and evolution.
Referencing his new book, Little Buddha, Book One, and the spiritual teachings it presents, guest speaker Rob Geyer speaks about the beautiful radiance which we all possess.