Cultivating gratitude as a practice through times of joy and sorrow.
Cultivating gratitude as a practice through times of joy and sorrow.
How are we called to be the heart, hands and voice of Love in our community and in the world?
True freedom calls us to say “yes” to being love in all actions.
By maintaining a higher perspective, I am able to sense the divine plan that God is unfolding for myself and others.
Whatever our life circumstances, we can find safe harbor in our own inner temple and within sacred community.
Through spiritual practice we can move – individually and collectively – from the “little room” of limitation, lack and exclusion to the “big room” of God Consciousness.
Exploring the gift of coming home: home to our deepest selves, home to God-within, home wherever we are in the world, home to the only moment there is: now, the present moment.
A July 4 message on interconnectedness and caring community.
Rev Brigid’s series on our Core Values closes with a reflective message, blending meditation and inspirational writings.
A meditative reflection on the core values of Unity of Albany