We can lean into choosing gratitude in any situation, re-framing it to find grace and peace.
We can lean into choosing gratitude in any situation, re-framing it to find grace and peace.
We can lay down our fears and worries at the altar of Love and trust that we are held and guided as we take each step forward in life.
Rev Brigid shares the beauty and the bounty of her recent time with family in Ireland.
A reflection on James Dillett Freeman’s Prayer for Protection
As we live out our individual paths as expressions of the One Divine Source, we are continually invited to experience the Oneness we profess as we gather together.
God continually invites us into stillness and rest – a place that can then inform right action and presence in our world.
Exploring the gift of coming home: home to our deepest selves, home to God-within, home wherever we are in the world, home to the only moment there is: now, the present moment.
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” -Henri Nouwen
This message on surrendering to the Divine flow turned out to be especially relevant for Brigid herself!
A July 4 message on interconnectedness and caring community.