On the eve of a solar eclipse, Rev Brigid shares thoughts on how love can overcome (eclipse) the negative forces in the world.
On the eve of a solar eclipse, Rev Brigid shares thoughts on how love can overcome (eclipse) the negative forces in the world.
Rev Brigid’s Easter message for 2024
How does the voice of GOD, Spirit, the Beloved get through to you?
A caring, committed spiritual community provides refuge for one another and all who come.
Living in partnership with Divine givingness.
The season of Lent can involve both a letting go and a letting in. In her message, Rev Brigid encourages a letting go of shame and guilt and a letting in of God’s Love for us.
The path is made by walking – and listening and trusting.
Winter has much to offer our spirits if we take the time to enter into the stillness and beauty it provides.
Set your intentions for the new year in order to birth the emerging vision of your highest essence.
On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, and always, we are called to be love for and with one another.