How can we experience and manifest peace in a world of turmoil and constant change?
Jesus’ understanding of God as “Abba,” an endearing form of the Aramaic word for Father, brought a new, more personal image of the Divine into Judaism and into the world; one we are still learning to embrace.
“Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world.” (A Course in Miracles)
Just as our life is a Divine expression, so are our losses imbued with the abiding presence of the Sacred.
We are here to live a Divine life, joyously unfolding as a living expression of the Creator.
All creation, and we ourselves, have emerged from that dark, creative void that is the Divine Mother.
Our words have creative power. They can build up or break down and they impact our lives for better or worse.
Beginning with a clever analogy to tennis (or in her case, racket ball), Rev. Crystal gives an inspiring message on serving one another, ending with five steps for putting it into practice.
A subtitle for this talk could be: Easter, Part 2: It’s Up to You. We are called to continue the ministry of Jesus and to fulfill his words to his disciples: “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.”
The message of Easter is that we are spirit, free of all lack and limitation, that we are the Christ – not just in potential, but right here and right now.