Grace is the unconditional love of God which is always available to us, requiring only acceptance and receptivity.
Grace, God’s will of good for us, is always available to us without condition.
Guests Shannon Plummer and Bob Sima deliver a “Message in Music”. Shannon’s talk is woven around three of Bob’s songs and includes a guided meditation.
On this day each year we set our intentions for the new year. Rather than focusing on what we will do, we focus on who we are called to be in order to birth the emerging vision of our highest essence.
You are God’s power and, with that power, you have the capacity to create a brand new world.
Message for the 4th Sunday of Advent – Jesus came to bring the good news of great joy.
To choose love is to enable ourselves to give birth to the Divine.
We must be able to find peace amid the chaos if we are to birth the Christ in our own lives.
Advent calls us to allow faith to be the cornerstone of our lives, enabling us to build upon its strong foundation.
Rev. Crystal discusses the third level of gratitude in which we continually live from a place of overflowing gratefulness.