We are here to live a Divine life, joyously unfolding as a living expression of the Creator.
We are here to live a Divine life, joyously unfolding as a living expression of the Creator.
All creation, and we ourselves, have emerged from that dark, creative void that is the Divine Mother.
Our words have creative power. They can build up or break down and they impact our lives for better or worse.
Beginning with a clever analogy to tennis (or in her case, racket ball), Rev. Crystal gives an inspiring message on serving one another, ending with five steps for putting it into practice.
A subtitle for this talk could be: Easter, Part 2: It’s Up to You. We are called to continue the ministry of Jesus and to fulfill his words to his disciples: “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.”
The message of Easter is that we are spirit, free of all lack and limitation, that we are the Christ – not just in potential, but right here and right now.
A wonderful metaphysical interpretation of the Palm Sunday story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and how it applies to our lives right here, right now.
Like the lotus, we can rise through the muck and mire of our lives and come into the full expression of our Divine potential, transforming ourselves and transforming the world.
To live the Sabbath is to regularly take time to pull back from our distractions and concerns and “to watch what God is doing when we’re not doing anything.” (Eugene Peterson)
Youth is not a time of life, but a state of mind.