The Biblical story of Jesus commissioning his followers to carry on his work is a call to us to fully accept our own Christ nature.
The Biblical story of Jesus commissioning his followers to carry on his work is a call to us to fully accept our own Christ nature.
When we recognize the Divinity within ourselves and in others, we begin to manifest sacred community – heaven on earth.
You are God’s power and, with that power, you have the capacity to create a brand new world.
To choose love is to enable ourselves to give birth to the Divine.
We all wear many “masks.” How can we show up as our most authentic selves?
Elaine shares key teaching of Science of Mind author Ernest Holmes in a music-inspired message.
What does it feel like to know that you are perfect whole and complete exactly as you are?
The very moment you embrace the God Source – the ever-present Divine “is-ness” – is when bliss begins.
Our human tendency is to allow our thoughts to lead US, but by becoming a Thought Leader in touch with Divine Mind, we can create a life of fullness and abundance.
Pentecost Sunday celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ followers after His ascension. When we allow that Christ Consciousness to be expressed in our lives we experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives and in our world.