a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 6)

What’s Stirring in My Heart

Dear Unity Family, So many ways for a heart to be stirred! I write this today in anticipation of my first deep dive into Unity Ministry classes. I write looking back on the events of these past few weeks that shake my foundation, and those that fill me with gratitude. And in all of it, I…

window in window out

A poem by Rob Geyer, Maundy Thursday 2022 prompted by an act of vandalism that occurred during the previous night, breaking a window in our sanctuary window in window out does our view shift depending on where we are, inside or out? does the rock that made a hole offer any way for us to…

Holy Week 2022

Sunday, April 10, 10:00 AM In person and live-streamed. Go to unityalbany.org/youtube-live-stream to view. Thursday, April 14, 6:30 PM In person and live-streamed. Go to unityalbany.org/youtube-live-stream to view. This moving annual service features a foot-washing ceremony, recalling Jesus’s teaching to his disciples at the Last Supper in which he washed their feet and charged them…

Honoring Thich Nhat Hanh

Our January 23 OneSong service focused on the Hindu concept of Ahimsa, or non-violence. As news of Vietnamese Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh’s passing on January 22 came to light, we made some changes to the service and included three significant passages from Thay’s writings. Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, that portion of the…

Season of Light

Dear Unity Friends, Welcome to our celebrations of the Season of Light. I look forward with such JOY to my first Christmas Eve and Burning Bowl services with you! I am grateful for the many ways this community inspired and supported me, and each other, during Advent. What a blessing to begin my journey with you exploring together…

Christmas and New Years Services 2021/2022

Unity of Albany invites you to celebrate the wonder and promise of Christmas, 2021 as we rekindle our hope and zeal for life. The powerful Christmas story is a clear reminder that we do not travel our spiritual journey of rediscovery alone. The Christmas season is a reminder that we can awaken a sense of…