a positive path for spiritual living

'faith' Tagged Posts

Move into Healing

by John Frederick Whenever I have a small problem, like a buttoning a button, putting on a cuff link or when I can’t get something unstuck, I say, “God, I can’t do this. But You can.” And it never (never!) fails, and the problem is solved. This morning walking the dogs, I realized that this…

Keeping the Faith, Part 2

by Roger Mock Back in March I wrote a column on the topic of faith vs. belief. The gist of it was contained in a phrase I had heard someone say that had somewhat stopped me in my tracks: “Throw out all the beliefs and keep the faith!” The conclusion I reached is that beliefs are a…

Keeping the Faith

by Roger Mock   I heard a kind of slogan this week that stopped me in my tracks: “Throw out all the beliefs and keep the faith.” Say what? There was a time when a statement like that might have put me a little on the defensive. But now here I am, an interfaith minister…

In the Beginning…

By Kerri Kannan For the past couple of years, because of some very profound experiences I have had, I have been somewhat obsessed with understanding not only the power of prayer, but also the power of our words. That obsession led me to search for books that will help me understand exactly how powerful our…