a positive path for spiritual living


Unity’s Basic Beliefs

In line with our current Membership Class, and as a reminder to all of us who attend Unity, here are Unity’s most essential beliefs and teachings. Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and…

Keeping the Faith, Part 2

by Roger Mock Back in March I wrote a column on the topic of faith vs. belief. The gist of it was contained in a phrase I had heard someone say that had somewhat stopped me in my tracks: “Throw out all the beliefs and keep the faith!” The conclusion I reached is that beliefs are a…

Keeping the Faith

by Roger Mock   I heard a kind of slogan this week that stopped me in my tracks: “Throw out all the beliefs and keep the faith.” Say what? There was a time when a statement like that might have put me a little on the defensive. But now here I am, an interfaith minister…