a positive path for spiritual living

Unity (Page 4)

Spotlight on Service: Terry Bailey

by John Daubney Reverends Crystal and Jim Fuller before her have always talked about service as a vehicle to serve our Unity family, get to know each other better, grow spiritually, and TO HAVE FUN!! Terry Bailey has done just that as he “plays” at the church sound board most Sundays. Terry and the A/V team provide…

Spotlight on Service: Peggy Kaufmann

By  John Daubney                                                            For those of us who tend to be on the shy side, getting involved in service can definitely be cathartic. There is something powerfully ascendant about breaking through that protective shell of protection and doing something we haven’t done before. We are all so much more than we think we are…

Spotlight on Service: Rev. John Frederick

by John Daubney Service to others can be a wonderful way of discovering more of the unique, God-given gifts we each possess, along with uncovering the passion we each have for certain types of activities.  John is someone who has certainly accomplished that.  His deep desire for wanting to make a difference in people’s lives has created a healthy…

President’s Corner: Fall – A Time of Change?

by Lois Crommelin Seasons change, the leaves change, the phases of the moon change the tides.  We have no control.  The changing of the universe is a constant….in constant change that is!  The Truth of who we are is Absolute.  Unchanging.  However, what we CAN change are: our minds, our thinking, our friends, shopping spots,…

World Day of Prayer

A Sacred Tradition Wednesday, Sept. 7 through Thursday, Sept. 8 World Day of Prayer Service Wednesday, September 7, 7:30 pm We will join Silent Unity —an international, trans-denominational 24/7 prayer ministry—and Unity churches and centers around the world on September 7 & 8, 2016, for the 23rd annual Unity World Day of Prayer. 7:45 pm Opening music with…