a positive path for spiritual living

President’s Corner: Fall – A Time of Change?


by Lois Crommelin

Seasons change, the leaves change, the phases of the moon change the tides.  We have no control.  The changing of the universe is a constant….in constant change that is!  The Truth of who we are is Absolute.  Unchanging.  However, what we CAN change are: our minds, our thinking, our friends, shopping spots, jobs, cars, etc. and we can even change diapers!

We were made/created in the likeness of the Creator (God).  The Book of Psalms speaks about how God laid the foundations of the earth, and that (Psalm 102:26) “They shall perish, but you go on forever.  They will grow old, like worn out clothing, and you will change them like a man putting on a new shirt and throwing away the old one.  But you yourself never grow old.  You are forever and your years never end.”  If this is true, and Unity teaches that it is so, then perhaps we can search our hearts to make changes to better our lives while we reside here in these bodies.

So let’s take a look at this:

fruitsEvery living thing is an expression of God.  Apples: many varieties, but all apples.  Flowers: all lovely, all different.  People: diverse, yet all are valuable. Who/what do you admire?  And why? I admire a clean appearance.  Those that express their wisdom, their gifts, their humor and joy.  The teachers.  The ones with creative ideas. The kind individuals.  Therefore I wish to model myself after those qualities that speak to me.  Guess what? That requires change!

Now for some thought provoking quotes from some wise people:

  • There is nothing permanent except change.
  • When we are no longer able to change the situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.
  • Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.
  • If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
  • If you do not change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.

I believe that change is an inside job requiring daily prayer and meditation.  Take note of your gifts and good qualities.  Cultivate them.  Also take note of that which doesn’t serve you anymore and replace it with a passion.  Make good, doable, and time sensitive decisions.  Decide to make one change.  Write it down in the morning.  Examples:  “Today I will  __read____for__one hour.” “This evening I’m  going to ____walk    for     20 minutes.”  “Today I will ___meditate   for 15 minutes.”

lois-crommelinPray to be open to what it is that needs to change inside your heart.  Be a Gift to yourself, or BE the Gift to another.  We were put here to Love and to Serve.  We plan and cram things onto our calendars every day.  Just put ONE change on your daily calendar. The objective is to have a Spirit-Centered life.  Your Love will overflow to others!


Hugs, from Lois