a positive path for spiritual living


Unity Albany Thought for the Day

For quite a few years (decades?), a team of our congregants lovingly recorded the Daily Word on our phone system each day so anyone could call in, press extension 15, and hear Unity’s inspiring message for the day. This past spring it came to our attention that this practice was not in line with the…

Unity Church in Albany History

UNITY CHURCH IN ALBANY HISTORICAL TIMELINE Unity Church in Albany: Founded on Prayer Consciousness; Sustained by Prosperity Consciousness One of the first things taught to candidates for Church membership is the tale of how the Unity movement was founded by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore. Similarly Unity Church in Albany also was founded by two individuals.…

Unity’s Basic Beliefs

In line with our current Membership Class, and as a reminder to all of us who attend Unity, here are Unity’s most essential beliefs and teachings. Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and…

President’s Corner, Oct. 2019

Dear Unity Family,        This letter is an update of things that are going on at Unity. First of all, THANK YOU to all that serve in the many ministries of our community. You are strength of Unity, you keep Unity vibrant, loving and strong. We love you madly!!! And thank you to all that came…