a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 8)

Introducing Sacred Service

by Peggy Kaufmann As we look at re-opening possibilities, and we hope to gradually get back to some ways to meet in person, as well as searching for our new minister, we also look for ways to engage our whole community in meaningful involvement.  Our time with our transition minister taught us many things, and…

We Stand with Asian Americans

Unity Church in Albany stands in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and denounces the senseless violence and cruel discrimination against those communities. We come together today to affirm our truth:  our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities are beloved children of God and are to be treated with the highest respect, dignity,…

Rev Jim Fuller

We are delighted to welcome Rev. Jim Fuller back to Unity Albany as our Guest Speaker for Holy Week! Rev. Jim was, of course, our beloved minister at Unity of Albany from 2003 to 2015. During his tenure in Albany, Jim “grew” our ministry in many ways, leading with wisdom, humor and prayer consciousness. These…

Holy Week 2021

Sunday, March 28, 11:00 AM Live-streamed on our YouTube Channel Homepage. Guest Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller Title:  Resurrecting Body and Spirit: Palm Sunday Rev. Jim will explore the little known connections between our Christian Gospels, including the Easter stories, and what we today think of as the “Old Testament.”  (Hint; it wasn’t particularly “old” back…

Claiming Your Best Life

by Rob Geyer (Reposted from Rob’s blog at his website: messagesforinspiration.com ) I’m not sure how you feel about mind opening ideas, but I have one for you. Actually, it’s not mine. I’m just the one passing it along to you. It came from Lia. Lia is a feminine part of (god) that I am…