Unity Church in Albany stands in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and denounces the senseless violence and cruel discrimination against those communities. We come together today to affirm our truth: our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities are beloved children of God and are to be treated with the highest respect, dignity, kindness and compassion. We believe that, in the eyes of God, there is only one Family and every being on this planet is a member of that Family. We give thanks for our Pacific Islander and Asian American Family members and for our diverse global and local communities. We commit to fully expressing, through our words and actions, our core belief that we are one, no matter what our racial identity, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or other protected status may be. All of us are entitled to live in love, peace and safety. And so it is.

I agree. I’m heart sick that this should be necessary.
Agreed. The good news about all this is that it has re-awakened my awareness of how deeply connected we all are , how deeply we care about all members of our great big human family, and how NOW is the time to stand in fierce love and compassion for one another.
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