Sunday, March 28, 11:00 AM
Live-streamed on our YouTube Channel Homepage.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller
Title: Resurrecting Body and Spirit: Palm Sunday

I am a bringer of peace for all people
Thursday, April 1, 5:30 PM
This event will be held on Zoom
This annual service usually involves a foot-washing ceremony, recalling Jesus’s teaching to his disciples at the Last Supper in which he washed their feet and charged them to wash each other’s feet – a striking metaphor for serving one another in love and humility as a sacred calling.
Though we will not have the opportunity to perform a literal foot-washing, we will hold one another in prayer, and pray and reflect. We anticipate the service to run about 20 to 30 minutes. Please join us on Zoom if you are able. The Zoom link for this event will be published in our March 26 email Newsletter and may also be requested by emailing [email protected]
Sunday, April 21, 11:00 AM
Live-streamed on our YouTube Channel Homepage.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller
The Easter story of Jesus’ death and resurrection calls us to rise from old erroneous ways of thinking and believing and to embrace a new understanding of ourselves as the “I Am,” the Christ presence.