a positive path for spiritual living

Spring Membership Class

Would you like to become a member of Unity Church?

Please sign up for Unity “101”

Church membership is open to anyone who has:

  1. Attended regularly for the last six months or longer
  2. Attended a series of “Unity 101” classes
  3. Read the book, Unity, A Quest for Truth by Eric Butterworth (available in our bookstore). We encourage you to read this book prior to the first class.

If you are interested in membership, please know that you may retain membership in another church and still become a member of Unity Church.

Unity 101 is open to anyone who wants to take the class, whether or not they want to become a member.

Unity 101 classes will meet Sundays from April 29 through June 4th, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in the Library.