a positive path for spiritual living

Keeping the Faith, Part 2

by Roger Mock Back in March I wrote a column on the topic of faith vs. belief. The gist of it was contained in a phrase I had heard someone say that had somewhat stopped me in my tracks: “Throw out all the beliefs and keep the faith!” The conclusion I reached is that beliefs are a…

Summer Breeze

by Rev. Crystal Muldrow “What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with… no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.” – Gertrude Jekyll I’m probably dating myself. Now that spring has settled in and…

Ask and Receive

This past Sunday, Reverend Crystal mentioned “Ask and ye shall receive.” However, in order to receive, we must ask in a way that the universe understands.  Knowing how to ask can be a tricky business.  In fact, if you don’t know how to ask, you could be pushing away the very thing you desire, which can…

When Joy Comes Back

by Roger Mock Recently I chanced to hear a Gospel song called Joy Comes Back, sung by blues singer Ruthie Foster. It’s a rollicking good one, and you’ll be singing it with us at Unity sometime soon, I hope. Here’s the simple chorus: I wanna be ready I wanna be ready I wanna be ready…

Beyond Racism

Do “Black Lives Matter” and reversing white privilege matter to you?  A group of ten from Unity Albany went to a conference, last April, in which the presenter was Pax Christi (a Catholic social justice group based in Washington DC).  Unity then organized a separate group with the April workshop’s name: “Building the Beloved Community: Healing Racism.”  Meanwhile,…

Calling in all visionaries…

…to develop our vision for Unity Church in Albany April 22, 12:30 – 3:00pm by Karin Reinhold Where is the church going in the next 3 – 5 years? What do we want our community to be? What is the highest vision we have for our community? On April 22nd, we will gather together to…

Our Own Little Buddha

by Beth Suter Seven-year-old Bria sat next to her grandmother, Sollena. I hadn’t seen either of them in church before. Both of their energies were captivating. The little girl sat between us. I could feel that the little towhead was special and leaned over to her grandmother and said, nodding my head toward Bria, “She’s…