a positive path for spiritual living

Pastor’s Message

radiant soul screenshotBringer of Light

by Rev. Jim Fuller

Light is often used as a metaphor for Spirit or God. In Genesis God calls light forth from within the dark void of the unformed Cosmos. The Gospel of John tells of “the light that shines in the darkness” and reminds that “the darkness did not overcome it.” Later in John Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.

Whoever follows me (my teachings) will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” None of these are references to literal light, the kind we can turn on or off with the flip of a switch or block by closing the drapes. Yet for most the image of light as metaphor for Spirit or God resonates strongly, as does the contrast between darkness or emptiness and the presence of light.

It is no accident that we celebrate the birth of Jesus at the time of year when, at least in the northern hemisphere, days begin to lengthen and darkness starts to recede. Festivals and rituals acknowledging the “return of light” are known in many cultures and religions. Christianity links the return of light to the birth of a person, a human being rather than a celestial deity. While later groups of Christians eventually did deify Jesus, that was not always the case. Jesus’ original message was that God was the light. Jesus himself was a “Bringer of Light” a prophet, messenger or teacher of God.

Throughout my life I have encountered a number of people who have been Bringers of Light for me; people who have helped me sense and connect with the presence of Spirit. While there have also been times when the light showed up all by itself on many occasions some messenger or bringer of light was involved. These were people who had made a connection with the Spirit or Light within themselves and then either intentionally or unintentionally shared it with me. For me in that moment each of these persons was a Bringer of the Light of God.

As we can see from the example of Jesus that a Bringer of Light does not need to come from a prominent family, have a big organization or even a long or comfortable career in order to be successful in his or her mission. As a person anchors the Light of Spirit in his or her mind, that light, truth or understanding begins to radiate through that person. The person radiating this Light of Spirit does not need to will the light to shine in them; it is simply present there and radiates all by itself. People who see, meet or even hear about the person are touched by that light. While some may notice this light immediately others may seem to miss it completely.

I have experienced this Spiritual Light as a radiant energy of peace or healing in a number of people I have met. For a time I knew one man who felt a very strong Jesus connection. When he prayed with others they felt the Spiritual Light moving through him. Many experienced deep peace and some had physical healings. I often noticed a powerful prayer energy and even physical heat as he prayed. Yet some people told me they felt nothing. Were they untouched or did they simply not notice the effects of this radiant energy as it moved through them? Other people found themselves experiencing peace or healing days for weeks after the prayer ended. The man’s explanation was simply that he was continuing in the tradition of the disciples, allowing the Spirit and Light of God to move through him as he prayed.

There have been many Bringers of Light throughout history, Jesus being one whose significance is noted not just by Christians but by people of many faiths. Interestingly his message to us was that we all have the capacity to both experience that Light of Spirit and to share it with others. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus is quoted as saying, “Whoever drinks from my mouth (learns from my teachings) will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him.” (Thomas 108) In the Course in Miracles he teaches, “If you want to be like me I will help you, knowing that we are alike. If you want to be different, I will wait until you change your mind. I can teach you, but only you can choose to listen to my teaching. How else can it be, if God’s Kingdom is freedom?” (ACIM 8:IV:6) I offer these quotes to remind us that we each have within us the capacity to be a Bringer of Light. We live in a world that often seems to be stuck in darkness and ignorance. What we need are more Bringers of Light. Jesus and others have demonstrated that it is possible to awaken fully and to become channels for Divine Light to pour into our world. And we see other contemporary teachers who, while not fully awakened, are clearly allowing this same Light to move through them.

We are moving toward Christmas, a time when we celebrate the Light of Spirit entering into our world through the person of Jesus. What better way could there be for us to remember his teachings and honor his contributions to the world than by beginning to consciously invite that same Light of Spirit to move freely through us?

Jesus invited his disciples (his disciplined students) to learn from him, follow his example, and to become like him. He reminded them that the Spirit of God was already present with them and that as they trusted into God more fully nothing would be impossible to them. I believe that each of us is ultimately destined to function as a Bringer of Light just like Jesus, whose birth we will soon celebrate. We see evidence of this beginning to happen today as we notice people around us who seem to shine with an inner light. The only question now is when we will allow this to happen in us. This Christmas let’s not just be outside observers of the coming of the Light into our world. Let’s commit to allowing ourselves to become the Bringers of Light. That is what we were created to be and therefore what we must become. As we consciously move in that direction we will sense “a great unseen support” for even the smallest of our efforts. Let us join together with the other Bringers of Light by welcoming God’s healing Light of Spirit into our hearts, minds and lives that it might shine brightly through us.

May the Light of Spirit shine brightly in me this Christmas. May I be a channel for God’s love, peace and wisdom to shine into my family, my community and my world.