a positive path for spiritual living


The mission of Unity Church in Albany is to awaken to and embrace the Christ in all persons through prayer and service.


“Unity says that true religious growth is a ‘do-it-yourself’ project … One might describe Unity as a religious philosophy with an ‘open end’, seeking to find God’s truth in all of life.”
– Charles R. Fillmore, grandson of co-founders Charles and Myrtle Filmore.

Charles & Myrtle FillmoreHow Did Unity Begin?
The Unity movement was founded in 1889 in Kansas City, Missouri, by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. After Mrs. Fillmore’s remarkable healing using prayer and affirmations, many friends became interested in how she accomplished this healing. Both Charles and Myrtle went on to become accomplished healers and teachers. Unity grew from small interdenominational prayer circles in living rooms into a ministry of prayer and publishing, and ultimately over 1,000 churches and study groups.

What is the relationship of Unity to other churches?
Unity continues to put into practice a truly ecumenical approach. Unity sees itself as a vehicle for instruction, inspiration and prayer support for spiritual seekers, regardless of their religious affiliation, Christian or other. Rather than a denomination, locked in tight parameters that restrict, Unity views itself as an ever-expanding expression of God’s love, life, and peace. Unity believes in the oneness of all people and places emphasis on similarities rather than differences.

What are Unity’s basic teachings?
We encourage you to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding. We believe this spiritual understanding is enhanced through reflective prayer and meditation. The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are:

 God is spiritual in nature and is source and creator of all. God is loving, good and present everywhere. There is no other power aside from God.

 We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently spiritual and good.

 Being spiritual in nature, we too are creative. Our life experiences are created through our ways of thinking and believing.

 Through Prayer and Meditation we reawaken to our natural state of communication with God. Affirmative prayer and denials are tools we use to bring our thoughts into greater alignment with God.

 Knowledge of spiritual principles is not enough. We must actively incorporate them into our daily lives.