a positive path for spiritual living

A Musical Celebration of Global Prayer

Sunday Multi-Faith Music Service, April 27th at 6:00 PM featuring ONE LOVE with Jody Kessler We are very happy to welcome Jody Kessler and her wonderful quartet of musicians and worship leaders from Ithaca, New York this Sunday evening! Throughout the ages and across cultures, prayer through song and simple body movement has been a powerful vehicle for…

A Calling From the Heart

Spotlight On Service: Jane Bloom By John Daubney For those of us called to service there is often a calling which comes from within the “heart space” as Jane puts i.: that “still small voice” or the heart-pull that says “there is a real need here and I can help.” Her joy in working with Unity’s…

Pastor’s Message – Easter 2014

Easter and Salvation Rev. Jim Fuller A “traditional” view of creation and salvation… First God created a perfect world with perfect people but it didn’t stay perfect for very long.  Depending on whom you listen to, either God or God’s adversary tempted God’s people into disobeying Him and thereby bringing eternal trouble into His formerly perfect world.  Later around the year 4…

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: December 24th

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: December 24th 5:30 PM Rekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas. Join Reverend Jim and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world. We have scheduled our service at 5:30 PM so that you can participate and still have the evening free for family and friends. Join us…

Pastor’s Message

Bringer of Light by Rev. Jim Fuller Light is often used as a metaphor for Spirit or God. In Genesis God calls light forth from within the dark void of the unformed Cosmos. The Gospel of John tells of “the light that shines in the darkness” and reminds that “the darkness did not overcome it.” Later in John Jesus says, “I am…


The mission of Unity Church in Albany is to awaken to and embrace the Christ in all persons through prayer and service.   “Unity says that true religious growth is a ‘do-it-yourself’ project … One might describe Unity as a religious philosophy with an ‘open end’, seeking to find God’s truth in all of life.”…

Rooted In Love

Sunday, November 17th at 6:00 pm Unity Church In Albany Sunday Evening Multi-Faith Music Service will celebrate a theme of “Rooted In Love”. all faiths welcome   Enjoy this vid from our service two weeks ago: