a positive path for spiritual living

Annual Meeting – Join us on Zoom!

Dear Unity Church in Albany Member –

Welcome to the first Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 12:30 pm, at which time we will vote for our new Board of Trustees candidates) where we are using technology to allow you to join remotely.  Our tool of choice is called Zoom.  To learn how to join a Zoom meeting, please watch the video below. Zoom also has a great page that can answer additional questions – https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us.  You can also e-mail us at unityalbany@yahoo.com

To let us know you would like to attend remotely, please send a note to unityalbany@yahoo.com by March 1, 2019.  Be sure you have signed the form to tell us you want to be an active member.  On March 2, 2019, you will receive a link to the meeting that will be opened at “12:30 EDT” on Sunday March 3, 2019.

When you join, you will be in a muted mode and will be un-muted at the right time.  There is a chat window in the tool.  If you want to be recognized to talk, please let us know through the chat window, or just raise your hand.

Since we are just getting used to technology, we will vote via email.  You will receive instructions during the meeting about how to vote.  Please send your votes to unityalbany@yahoo.com.  They will be printed and handed to the tellers in real time.

We are so glad you can participate in this very important process.

Unity Church in Albany

More about the Active Member Request