a positive path for spiritual living

Emptiness & Possibility

Last Sunday morning we sang a lovely new chant by our friend Mark Shepard called I Am Walking in a Field. It begins, I am walking in a field I am walking in a field I am walking in a field of Possibility And then myriad verses are possible: I am healing in the light…

The Self is One

Here’s an excerpt from the Isha Upanishad (a small chapter in these ancient scriptures that form the core of Hindu teachings). Mahatma Gandhi said that the Isha Upanishad contains the summit of human wisdom. The Self is one. Ever still, the Self is Swifter than thought, swifter than the senses. Though motionless, he outruns all pursuit.…

Transcendence & Immanence

…the All-ness in the smallness Transcendence and Immanence – these are kind of imposing words to describe the mystery of God. “Transcendence” means beyond all limits, beyond anything we can experience or imagine, beyond comprehension. You could conceivably meditate upon the transcendence of God for a lifetime and get nowhere because you’re trying to know the…

President’s Corner: letting go of limitation

  Unity Principles and the teachings from Unity ministers’ books and sermons are nothing if not practical tools for daily living. Becoming a dyed-in-the-wool “Unitic” has been a catalyst for me to expand my thoughts on what I am capable of doing and being.  My willingness to let go of many limiting thoughts has resulted…

Basic Principals Connecting All Religions

by Anthony Antonecchia       I understand the basic principles that connect all religions to be wonderfully woven through perennial wisdom and universal truths. In the heart of each path, I have encountered and experienced great oneness, loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence, gratefulness, peace, joy, mercy, purity, and positivity. These unitive attributes are spiritual “spirit-jewels” which…

The Hall of Mirrors

here’s looking at you, kid! I recently listened to a presentation by the visionary teacher (and Scotia, NY native) David Wilcock on Gaiam TV. [Amazing spiritual / new thought programming, not to mention about 300 yoga videos to choose from if you’re into that. Do the 30-day trial and thank me later. Now back to…

Pleasant Distractions

by Rev. Jim Fuller Summer is beautiful, as is fall; winter too holds its own beauty. Wherever we look there are many things to see and do, places to visit, books to read, movies to see, music to hear, restaurants to try. The pleasant distractions seem endless. In truth the possibilities for distracting ourselves are…

Humility & Radiance

blessed are the meek …for they ain’t no shrinkin’ violet In looking for a theme for this Sunday’s Multi-Faith Music & Meditation Service I settled on the virtue of humility (Funny, I just tried to capitalize it but it wouldn’t let me!). I had just attended our Course in Miracles group the previous evening and the…