a positive path for spiritual living

President’s Corner

New Beginnings by Rob Geyer Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? Was yours an exciting and anxious time? Did you feel ready for the unknown? Right now Maureen and I are experiencing this through the eyes of our five year old granddaughter, Kirsten. We see and HEAR the unbridled enthusiasm in her face…

How Do I Love Thee?

…Let me count the ways By Roger Mock Well, apparently there are four possibilities. At least in ancient Greek there are four words given for love. They are: storge to describe familial love, philia to describe love for a friend, eros for sensual love and—the word for love we hear Jesus use most often in the New Testament—agape. Agape can be seen…

A Memory Book for Rev. Jim & Rev. Kay Fuller

On Sunday, September 13, in a closing farewell ceremony, Unity Church in Albany presented Jim and Kay Fuller with a Memory Book, filled with photos and personal messages from congregants. Cheri Warren, who presented the book to them, was also its compiler and designer (and editor of this video). We present the Memory Book here in this…

If Your Eye is Single…

… your whole body will be full of light by Roger Mock This is one of the slightly more enigmatic sayings of Jesus in the New Testament. Here is the whole passage from Luke 11.34-36: Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is single, your whole body is full of light;…

A Letter from Rev. Jim

Dear Unity Friends, Let me begin by thanking each of you for twelve plus years of support, friendship and encouragement.  I arrived in Albany as a newly ordained minister with a desire to help and share and also with much to learn.  You welcomed me not just as your minister but also as a part…

Willing to Change

by Rev. Jim Fuller “I am willing to change.”  This is a truly powerful statement if it is meant and if it is offered to our Source (to God) rather than to our egoic self.  To the ego or human personality change typically means rearranging the same old living room furniture in the same old…