a positive path for spiritual living

Using the "More" Tag to Break After Specific Point

Normally, an excerpt is shown on the short view of a post (when viewing multiple posts). The excerpt is either manually entered by you or automatically generated from the first few sentences of a post. Instead of showing the excerpt, you can show the first part of your actual post content (including formatting, images, etc.) and control where it breaks.

For example, you are reading the main post content right now (not an excerpt) and the “more” tag has been placed directly after this paragraph. As a result, on the short view, no more content is shown after this paragraph. Instead, a button for reading the rest of the content is shown. The user then clicks that to view the full post.

Christmas & New Years Services & Events

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 5:30 pm Saturday, December 24 Rekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas.  Join Reverend Crystal and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world.  We have scheduled our service at 5:30 PM so that you can participate and still have…

Two special events with David Young

Special Guest Musician/Presenter David Young November 18 – 19 Unity Church in Albany, 21 King Ave. Soul Ascension Meditation Workshop Friday, November 18, 7:30 pm David Young plays the Renaissance flute and his performances create a space for transformative spiritual experiences on the part of listeners.  David’s music, humor and the energy from a lifetime…

Spotlight on Service: Rev. John Frederick

by John Daubney Service to others can be a wonderful way of discovering more of the unique, God-given gifts we each possess, along with uncovering the passion we each have for certain types of activities.  John is someone who has certainly accomplished that.  His deep desire for wanting to make a difference in people’s lives has created a healthy…

President’s Corner: Fall – A Time of Change?

by Lois Crommelin Seasons change, the leaves change, the phases of the moon change the tides.  We have no control.  The changing of the universe is a constant….in constant change that is!  The Truth of who we are is Absolute.  Unchanging.  However, what we CAN change are: our minds, our thinking, our friends, shopping spots,…