a positive path for spiritual living

Martha & Mary

President’s Corner

by Lois Crommelin
I have found myself often caught up in the doing. The busy worker, Mom, Grandma, gardener, housekeeper. Active and Productive. I don’t always understand the Reflective & Learn type. The ones that sit and meditate and listen to the Teacher. Perhaps this is also true in reverse.

The Martha and Mary Story clearly depicts to us the thru the scriptures (Luke 10: 38-42), that these sisters metaphysically represent the Yin and the Yang of the female personality. I think it’s important that we marry these 2 types of personalities to become a whole Being, both spiritually and physically. Therefore, recognizing where your personality falls is important.

The story is found in Luke 10:38-41 Living Bible we read:

“Martha was the jittery type. And was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, ‘ Sir, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits there while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me’. (vs 41) “But the Lord said to her ‘Martha, my dear friend, you are so upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it– and I won’t take it away from her!'”

Jesus with Martha and Mary. Painting by He Qi. www.heqiart.com

I know that sometimes I tend to be a Martha. It’s so easy to get caught up in the business of this world. This is where Unity Church has helped me find my Truth and learn Meditation. And it’s for us to be concerned about our own walk while leaving situations for Him to control. There are many classes, Sunday messages, prayer project, meditation times, book club and workshops that are continuously being offered here. They will feed your Reflective & Learn side. There are many opportunities to volunteer to develop your Busy Productive side. All of this helps us focus on the Truth of who we really are. We are the Light of the world. We are Children of God. We are each an expression of God. We are Love. We are Loved. We are Enough. We have enough. We are Abundant. We are Prosperous. We are Joy filled. We are Blessed! We are Happy. We are Peace. Keep on Affirming yourself with all the abundant Truths of Who you are! Walk in this.

I appreciate all who have helped me within our Unity Church, over the past 11 years. I’m quite a different person from when I walked in these doors, all confused, yet searching for a God that would resonate to me personally. It may sound redundant to say that I found home here since many have experienced the same. Here there are many opportunities to be various combinations of both Martha and Mary.

As we prepare for new Board Members to come on to serve, I ask that you hold this Ministry in Prayer for PROSPERITY of ALL KINDS to Bless us, including all who enter through our doors.
